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Sin Of Masturbation

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Masturbation is not a sin, and neither are ‘lustful thoughts’. Most christians misinterpret Matthew 5:28.

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Is masturbation a sin? I’m 17 and I have been doing it for a long time but I don’t know if I’m hurting God. I have stopped from doing it for about 3 …

A frank look at masturbation and why it should not be condemned out of hand.

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Q: My husband and I have been married over 12 years. We recently learned in a Bible study class that masturbation is a sin. This is the only way that I am able to reach climax. Are they implying that it is a sin to masturbate alone, or is it okay with your partner? I need some clarification, because

Below is a brief summary of some of the issues dealing with this subject. I hope it might help. This is one of those hot buttons on which there is a great deal of disagreement and what is given here by no means touches all the bases.

Question: “Masturbation – is it a sin according to the Bible?” Answer: The Bible does not mention masturbation or state whether or not masturbation is a sin. The passage most frequently associated with masturbation is the story of Onan in Genesis 38:9–10. Some interpret this passage to say that

Answer: There are four reasons why everyone automatically knows by instinct and by nature that masturbation is a mortal sin against both nature and God.

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The Bible does not directly come out and say “Masturbation is a sin”. Where is my evidence? What are the principles I draw on to say masturbation is a sin?

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Ellen White identified a host of diseases resulting from masturbation, which she called “secret vice.” It is now known that the very diseases she mentioned result from zinc deficiency, a problem associated with “secret vice.”

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Dear Grace: What is the Catholic Church’s teaching on masturbation? Is it viewed as a mortal sin or as a venial sin? Could it prevent us from getting