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Uterus Orgasm

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An orgasm is a sexual climax (or high point). An orgasm happens because of continued sexual touching. During an orgasm, there is a strong feeling of excitement and pleasure

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Hysteria, in the colloquial use of the term, means ungovernable emotional excess. Generally, modern medical professionals have abandoned using the term “hysteria” to denote a diagnostic category, replacing it with more precisely defined categories, such as somatization disorder.

The Planned Parenthood glossary offers a robust list of sexual and reproductive health terms so you can stay up-to-date on the latest terminology.

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a form of complementary and alternative medicine that involves inserting thin needles through the skin at specific points on the body to control pain and other symptoms.

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A woman’s orgasm may last slightly longer or much longer than a man’s. Women’s orgasms have been estimated to last, on average, approximately 20 seconds, and to consist of a series of muscular contractions in the pelvic area that includes the vagina, the uterus, and the anus.

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Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs, video, anatomy charts, information, post-menopausal, sex, bladder, bowel, weight gain, nerves, blood flow, functions, heart disease, ovaries, gonads, castration, joint pain, muscle, hormones, hrt

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Detailed explanation and specific signs of female orgasm or climax and what they feel like

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